
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fun Birthday Table Games

Fun Birthday Table Games

A small gathering of family and friends around the dinner table is an intimate birthday alternative to a big party. Games can keep guests entertained while dinner is prepared and provide after dinner fun for the whole party. Playing games also helps break the ice if guests do not know each other. Does this Spark an idea?

Board Games

    Engage guests in board games that allow more than three players, such as Monopoly, LIFE, Trivial Pursuit, Cranium or Pictionary. These games are easy to play and are sure to provide friendly competition and hilarious moments. They can be played by individuals or teams. Purchase games in the toy section at department stores or find online versions and pass a wireless laptop around the table.


    Choose from a huge variety of card games to play at the party for endless fun. Guests who enjoy gambling will love playing casino style poker games. Keep it fun by trading candy or party favors, or impress guests with a casino-themed party with dealers, authentic poker chips and felt covered tables. Other popular card games include BS, Egyptian Rat Screw and Spoons.

Interactive Games

    Play interactive games if all of the guests are not yet acquainted to spark conversation. One example of an interactive game is "Lie Detector Game." Ask guests to arrive with three statements about themselves; one false and two true statements. Around the table, guests take turns presenting their statements. After everyone has a turn, the group votes on which of the statements is a lie. This game is best for small groups who don't know each other well. Family members or close friends will likely know which statement is a lie.

Drinking Games

    Play drinking games only if everyone at the party is over 21 years old.Guests compete in simple and fun games where the punishment for losing is to take a drink or a shot. The most famous table drinking game is beer pong. Other drinking games include Kings Cup, Quarters and Jet. Different circles of friends tend to have house rules, so tell guests to agree on rules before playing.


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