Taking on and finishing the do-it-yourself project of building a teak table will result in a useful piece of home furniture for your family. You can manufacture a teak table with some easily obtained materials and a little guidance. The teak table will be one that will last for decades. This table will be made with a teak top that is 2 feet square and the table will stand 2 feet tall. Does this Spark an idea?
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Create a 2 -foot square of the 2-by-4s on the floor by positioning the 2 -foot long 2-by-4s at the ends of one another. This will be the frame that goes underneath the table. Now place the boards where they are laying on their 2-inch-wide sides to create a height of 4 inches all around the square's sides. Use the drill and screwdriver bit to drive 4-inch decking screws through the 2-by-4s' 2-inch sides into each of the side boards' ends.
2Fasten a 2 1/2-foot-long 4-by-4 into each of the corners of the square by standing the 4-by-4s on end at each corner. Then use the drill and screwdriver bit to drive 4-inch deck screws through the 2-inch-thick sides of the square and into the 4-by-4.
3Place the table upright on its legs. Now place the 2 1/2-foot 2-by-6 teak slats laying flat from one side of the square to the other. Fasten the 2-by-6s to the square frame by using the drill and screwdriver bit to screw 3-inch decking screws through the 2-inch-thick sides of the slat into the table's 2-by-4 frame. The top of the table is now complete.
4Sand smooth the top of the table. Wrap sandpaper around the sanding block and use it to sand the table's top.
5Coat the entire table with wood stain to protect the table from wear and tear. Apply wood stain to the paintbrush and then brush the stain onto the table. Wait about 24 hours for the wood stain to dry.
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