
Monday, July 14, 2014

Games to Teach Times Tables

Games to Teach Times Tables

As students learn the basic principles of math, they will eventually be introduced to multiplication. Learning multiplication tables can be a challenge for some students. By incorporating games that the students can play using these tables, they can learn how to multiply basic combinations of numbers that they might use in everyday life.

Whisper Game

    The whisper game focuses on one number in a multiplication equation. Create a box with an equal number of columns tall and wide. Place numbers in order from left to right starting at the top of the box. For example, enter 1 through 20. Say you are trying to get the student to understand the basics associated with the number "five." Therefore you want to highlight multiples of five. Instruct the child to count the letters out loud. (You can aid with this.) Then ask the child to do it again, but whispering all numbers that are not multiples of five, but being louder on the multiples of five. One, two, three and four would be whispered, while five would be said louder.

Rhyming Songs

    Creating a song around multiplication numbers can help children learn their tables. You just need a rhyming phrase at the end of each sequence of numbers. For example, if you are trying to teach the number "four," creating a song such as "4, 8, 12, 16, have you eaten jumping beans?" Or, "20, 24, 28, 32, wash your hands so you don't get the flu." Little songs can be created for any sequence of numbers.

Multiplication Bingo

    Create or download a series of Bingo cards. However, instead of pulling numbers out of a paper bag, pull out equations that equal the numbers on a Bingo card (1 to 72). The students must solve the equation before they can claim the space on the card. You can also play different Bingo games such as "four corners," "cross," "winner's circle," or even "whole card" to extend the exercise. These games require the player to make different shapes or patterns on the Bingo card in order to win. See "Resources" for different types of games played on Bingo cards.

Speed Test

    As students progress in their multiplication tables, you will want them to become proficient at solving equations quickly. Create a test with 20 to 40 multiplication problems. Pass out the papers so they are face down. As soon as you say "go," the students must complete the worksheet as fast as possible. The first one to complete the sheet, and have all the right answers, wins. You can give out small prizes such as pens or pencils, or allow students to choose the next learning activity. You can make this activity a group activity as well by assigning a group of a few different people to work on the same sheet.


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