
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Game for Learning Times Tables

Game for Learning Times Tables

There are many games that can be used to teach children times tables, but one that is almost always unanimously popular with students is multiplication baseball. This game encourages students to memorize new times tables and reviews previously memorized times tables as well. This game can be easily tailored to meet the needs in your classroom. For that reason, there are many different versions of this game.


    Before you begin the game, you will need to create a baseball diamond. You can draw one on the board or create one on a bulletin board. It is easier to use one, but some teachers prefer to use two, one for each team. In addition, cut out and laminate some baseballs. Because you will have two teams, make the baseballs two different colors. You will need at least four of one color, and four of another. Finally, make sure you have a set of multiplication flash cards.

The game

    Divide the students into two teams. Each team gets three outs, just like in real baseball. Students are out if they answer a multiplication question incorrectly. Show the first multiplication flash card to the first player in line. If the question is answered correctly, place a baseball on first base. The next person in line gets to answer the second flash card. If the the answer is correct, move the student's ball to first base, and the previous person's ball to second base. Continue in this manner until there are three outs. If you want the game to move more quickly, reduce the number of outs allowed. In addition, include a time limit for answering the question once the flash card is flipped.


    Most classrooms include daily times table quizzes when learning multiplication. When one number is mastered, a student can move on to the next. For example, student can complete 20 multiplication problems with the number 6 in them in less than a minute. Create a bulletin board to keep track of which student has mastered which times tables. On one side of the board, create the baseball diamond as mentioned above. On the other, place some figures of ball players, perhaps baseball players for boys and softball players for girls. Write each student's name on the figure. Then, above each figure's outstretched glove, place a ball with the number on it of the times tables mastered. For example, a student who has mastered her 1, 2's and 3's will be catching three balls: One with the number "1" on it, one with a number "2" on it, and one with a number "3" on it. See the link in the resource section below for a printable baseball figure you can use.


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