When you are having a large family picnic, think ahead about some games for elderly family members to enjoy. Because elderly family members may have a hard time participating in active games, in which they may injure themselves, prepare some table games for your event.
Bingo is a great game for a group of people at a picnic and is perfect for the elderly. The game is made up of several cards with 25 numbers on a grid. Numbers are called at random, and the player that first can match up five numbers vertically or horizontally. That player must call out "bingo" to win.
Chess and Checkers
Chess and checkers are good games for the elderly to play at picnics. Both are two-player games played on a chessboard. Each player lines up 16 pieces on the board. In chess, each player must try to checkmate the opponent's king piece; in checkers, the goal is take all of the opponent's pieces off the board.
In basic poker, players are dealt five cards each; then each player makes a bet. At a picnic, pennies or candies make good betting pieces. Each player tries to outrank the other players' hands. Bets are made between each hand. An ace is the highest-ranking card, followed by, in descending order, the king down to the two. Two pairs beats an ace; three of a kind beats two pairs; a straight, or cards in rank order, beats three of a kind; a flush, cards of all one suit, beats a straight. The next highest-ranking hands, in order, are four of a kind, a straight flush and a full house, which is a pair plus three of a kind. The winner takes all of the stakes that have been bet.
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