
Saturday, April 19, 2014

How to Build a Breakfast Table

A breakfast table lets you savor the morning meal in the kitchen's cozy atmosphere. It can fit easily in a smaller area, turning it into a great alternative to the traditionally large dining table. A little experience in crafting and cutting wood can be quite helpful.



    Measure the available area in the kitchen or room where the breakfast table is to be installed. Design the table with dimensions fitting the space.


    Calculate the dimensions of a comfortable chair at home to determine the table's required depth and height.


    Make frames from wood strips for the outer dimensions of the table. Create a list that shows the size of each piece of wood required.


    Cut wooden pieces into the required shapes and sizes to assemble the sides of the frame. Use wood glue at the joining surfaces. Drill long screws at junctions.


    Cover the frames with inch, medium-density fiberboard. Make perfectly straight cuts on the fiberboard so that it matches the table correctly.


    Use construction adhesive to clamp and attach all separate pieces into one unit. Secure the panels and remaining items using a pneumatic nail gun.


    Finish by installing the remaining screws to the table and paint the surface with varnish.


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