
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Multiplication Table Math Games

Learning the multiplication tables fundamentally improves your ability to do math. Most of us need to do a lot of repetition to get better at the multiplication tables. Some games will help you get started, giving you plenty of time to remember. Others need a more advanced mathematician who knows a few tricks of the trade to get the best scores.

Woodlands Number Skills

    One online game that helps you memorize the times tables is at the Woodlands Junior School website. There are several series available. You select how high the answer values can go and how long you want the game to last. You can see your time ticking down, which is useful if you're trying to beat your last score. Some of the pages have a few glitches but nothing that a page refresh won't fix.

Drag and Drop Multiplication Games

    The drag and drop game consists of cards with multiplication formulas on them that the player needs to grab with the mouse and drag over to the correct answer. It feels a bit like a form of solitaire. If you want a low-stress way to learn your times tables, this game is for you. No timers, no buzzers, no bells. You just finish filling the table with the right answers and then move on to another table.

Targeting Math

    The approach in Targeting The Answer feels completely different from the first two games. In this game, you have a gun sight and targets with answers to a multiplication problem that appears at the top of the screen. When you shoot, you hear a loud boom. If you shoot the correct answer, the target drops to a chorus of cheers. If you shoot the wrong target, a turkey squawks and the targets stay in place. At the end of two minutes, you'll receive your score.

Making Sum Sense

    The most challenging of the four games, Sum Sense requires you to not only do the math, but construct the equations. This game presents you with three to four numbered cards. To move on to the next challenge you must move the cards into place to form a mathematically correct formula and answer. This game makes you think, even if you know your multiplication tables well. You have two minutes to figure out all the equations and stop the clock. You'll have to remember some of the tricks of your multiplication tables, like anything times a five ends in zero or five, to get under a minute.


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