
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ideas to Fix a Patio Table With Broken Glass & Tile

Ideas to Fix a Patio Table With Broken Glass & Tile

A broken patio table is a pain to fix, especially if the table top breaks. Buying a new piece of glass is expensive because you need a piece large enough to fill out the table. Plexiglas is cheaper but gets scratched and dusty in the outdoors. Fixing a table with broken glass and tile is a cheap alternative that gives your entire patio set a fresh new look. Does this Spark an idea?

Crazy Mosaic

    For a crazy mosaic, you need tiles of different colors and broken glass. Wear protective gear because the edges of the glass and ceramic are quite sharp. This idea is an ideal way to get rid of old tile you have around your house, like leftovers from a remodeling job. The broken glass can come from old bottles or even old dishes and cups from your kitchen. If the pieces are still intact, place them in a large bag, and crush them with a hammer or heavy rock. You also need a large piece of wood cut to the same dimensions as your table top or a piece of Plexiglas. Apply grout or adhesive to your new table top, and apply the broken glass and tiles. Apply a layer of grout on top of the tiles to protect the pieces and ensure each piece stays in place. Once you wipe off the old grout and let it dry, your table is ready for use. Consider adding a clear sealant on top to protect the tile and glass from the elements.

Artfully Designed Table

    Use the old broken glass and tile to create a design or picture on your table. Unlike the mosaic, where you apply tiles in any pattern, here you have a set design. Sketch the design directly on your wood or Plexiglas table top, and coat with tile glue or glue designed for working with glass. Press each one of your glass or tile pieces firmly onto the glue. Add a border of plain white or neutral colored tiles around your central design. As with the mosaic design, add a clear coat of sealant to the tiles once finished.

Repurposed Table

    If you have an older table, consider repurposing the piece into a garden bench. Cover the table with a new top, and decorate as you like with the broken glass and tile. Turn the table over, and reduce the size of the legs. Measure the height you want, and mark this height on each leg before cutting. Place the table in your garden as a new piece of furniture for guests to set beverages on.


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