
Thursday, April 24, 2014

DIY Drum Table Plans

DIY Drum Table Plans

Drum tables are an eye-catching style of coffee or end table in which an old drum becomes a completely functional piece of furniture. Depending on the way you build your drum table, it may or may not still also function as a musical instrument -- in addition to being a beverage and food holder. Designing your own drum table plans is an excellent way to create a piece that reflects you and your space, and uses the materials you have available to their best advantage. There are a few different main attachment methods you can use to get your supports on the drum. Does this Spark an idea?



    Design the drum table with basic legs attached to the sides of the drum and the drum head facing upwards for the most straightforward and simple type of design. Various types of legs can be used, providing they are at least 1-inch by 1-inch by the desired height. Use at least three legs but there is no upper limit to the number of legs. Mount the legs on either the inside of the drum or the outside of the drum, depending on the attractiveness of the legs. Predrill the holes before attaching the screws, and keep the legs at even heights. Bolts running through the legs and the thin drum shell and secured with washers and nuts can keep the legs in place.


    Include a circular support for a more complicated design. Measure the circumference of the interior of the drum, then cut out a plywood board that has the same circumference. Position the board near the bottom of the inside of the drum to be the support board and drill through the outside of the drum into the edge of the support board. Attach the support board in place by screwing 1 1/2-inch wood screws through the shell of the drum. Drill out large holes in the top support board to allow sound to exit the drum. With this design you could attach turned legs to the support board with table-leg plate hardware for a more professional look that doesn't seriously compromise the drum.


    Stack multiple small drums with four legs on the exteriors of the drums. Allow a space between each drum to increase the amount and type of storage your table can hold. Small drums could be used to make a tabletop-sized tiered server for parties.


    Join several drums of the same size in a row, or in a cluster made from three drums from the same kit. for a cluster, the drum heads could be at different heights, as long as the bottoms of the shells lined up. Use extra support blocks behind the shells of each drum when attaching the drums together side by side, using screws with washers and nuts to join the drums inside the shells. Use either style of leg with this style.


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